
18 Feb 2009..ermmm...malam nie ade test midterm paper iMd253-Organization of Information...mgu lepas bwu abes paper iMd354-Managing record center...erk btol ke 354 uh??uhuuuu...alhamdulillah smuanya bjalan dengan lancar...cme 354 je xbrape yakin...erk kte tunggu dan lihat je laaa....

1 Response to "test..test..test"

  1. Amira Abdul Halim Draven Singorjo Says:

    goodluck on your test belle!~ ahaha. i tataw lak sejauh sampai u org baca blog i.. hehe, i happy je dpt tau yg u have a lot of in common (dr segi penulisan blog perhaps.)

    take care dear~ keep in touch!